How to Leverage LinkedIn to Grow Your Chiropractic Practice
LinkedIn is often the discarded social media website when it comes to gaining new patients. But with more than 500 million active users, the professional networking site can do much more than keep you up to date on who’s celebrating a work anniversary.
When it comes to using LinkedIn to advance your chiropractic office, you’ll need to think out side of the social media box. Other platforms are often used for direct engagement with clients or prospective clients, and while LinkedIn may offer that availability on occasion, your focus should be on the educational and growth tools that you’ll only find on this platform.
Network of Professionals
Tens of thousands of chiropractors are on LinkedIn. Many, like you, want to grow their business. On LinkedIn, these professionals are more likely to share informative articles and engage in conversations that promote ideas and growth. Build your network. As your practice grows or you look to move, you may discover you already know some familiar faces in the new area.
LinkedIn Groups
On no other social media site will you find a collective group of professionals who engage in valuable conversations. Join groups like the Chiropractic Professionals where you can share your content, gain insight from others, and drive more engagement. These groups also support a higher-level conversation. Because you’re joined by thousands of professionals, your language can be elevated and more technical in nature.
Industry News
Tailor your LinkedIn feed to include updates on advancements in Chiropractic and other important industry news. You’ll find professionals in your field share their own research and studies just as much as those from other health institutes. Stay ahead of industry changes and improvements with quality content from LinkedIn.
Recruit New Talent
You’ll find a plethora of qualified candidates and their resumes on LinkedIn. When it’s time to grow your practice, turn to the social media platform to recruit new talent into your office.
LinkedIn offers the perfect platform for you to connect with other chiropractors, learn how to market your practice in new ways, and find the next generation of talent to grow your business.
But more importantly, these professionals who are sitting behind their desks, checking their cell phones, and experiencing poor postural habits at work or home, will start trusting you as a resource for their health issues. Sooner or later, direct messages and referrals will start pouring in… and that’s when you’ll realize that LinkedIn is more than just a work anniversary reminding service. It’s a funnel that brings in potential patients by way of referrals from other professionals who engage with your content, and trust you as a chiropractor.