Social Media for Chiropractors: Posts that Encourage EngagementSocial Media for Chiropractors: Posts that Encourage Engagement

Many health professionals, like chiropractors, are hesitant to use social media platforms. Yet, with millions of people on social media every single day for an average of over 2 hours, it has great potential for bringing in new clients and getting their clinic seen. However, it’s not enough just to create random posts once a day (or more) and hope someone will see it. Rather, social media for chiropractors should be purposeful to ensure that they are reaching the right audience.

Today, we will dive into the best platforms for chiropractors, how to create viral posts, and what the next steps would be to make social media management as simple as possible.

Best Platforms for Chiropractors

As much as 85% of people with access to the internet use social media regularly. For most people, this means they are checking their phone apps several times per day. Thus, the biggest question for a chiropractic clinic is, which social media platform(s) should we use to tap into a larger audience of potential customers? As a chiropractor, you want to use platforms that can help tell a story, establish trust, and demonstrate professionalism. This is where four primary platforms emerge:

  • Facebook
  • TikTok
  • YouTube
  • Instagram

All four of these platforms make it easy to paint a picture or tell an inspiring story with video, storyboards, pictures and more. Social media apps that do not specifically support this type of marketing that you can refrain from using include Pinterest and Twitter. Most often, people on these platforms will not be looking for answers to any of their chiropractic care questions.

How to Get the Most Out of Each Platform

Each of the social media platforms listed above operate based on different algorithms. Having a general understanding of what each platform prefers can help maximize your reach. Let’s dive into some specifics for each of these platforms.

  • Facebook. Unfortunately, Facebook favors paid traffic over organic traffic these days. However, it is still a great place to build a business page to keep current patients up to date. This is done by posting announcements, sharing useful information, and keeping them updated with the clinic’s latest blog posts. If you want to experiment with paid ads, you then have more potential to reach new paying customers as well.
  • TikTok. This platform has gone viral in the past few years based on organic style videos. TikTok prefers videos that are edited directly in their app and left as “raw” as possible. Hashtags like #chiropractor are popular on this platform and illustrate that there is an interest in chiropractors in this app. Using up to 7 hashtags on one post can help you reach your intended audience too.
  • YouTube. There are a lot of different avenues that a chiropractor can take with YouTube. People on this app are generally looking for longer videos that are stimulating and educational. Thus, you can use this as an opportunity for providing education, a tutorial on a specific technique, common problems your client’s face, and so much more.
  • Instagram. This app is best for helping tell a story, done via pictures, videos, stories, and reels (essentially catchy videos with text overlay). Currently, Instagram appears to favor posting to reels. Posting to the right places while focusing on high quality well-edited content and tapping into any niche specific hashtags will help you get more views from a relevant audience.

As you read through these options, it’s important to mention the importance of repurposing. Creating engaging posts and videos can feel daunting, but when you learn to adjust and reuse information across different platforms it becomes significantly easier. For example, you can use your TikTok videos on your Instagram reel (maybe slightly more edited first). Or you can string together a series of videos from Instagram or TikTok to create an informative video on YouTube. Creating completely original contention for each platform is not necessary and you will save a lot of time when embracing repurposing. This allows you to use more than one platform at a time without feeling totally overwhelmed.

Posts That Can Boost Your Engagement and Virality

When posting new content to a platform, there are a few key ways to measure its success. Most people will look at overall views, engagement (meaning how many people actually clicked on a link you provided), shares, and likes. While big numbers for views, shares, and likes can feel good, the most important number to pay attention to is engagement. These are people that have decided to stop scrolling through their social media feeds to see what your clinic is about. They want to explore further on your website, which is a big win. This is an important step in the process of turning a viewer into an engaged consumer of your content and eventually a paying customer at your clinic. So how do you boost engagement numbers instead of just views? Let’s dive into some of the top recommendations, regardless of which platform(s) you use.

Get Your Potential Customer to Talk

If you want a truly engaged audience, asking a question is a great way to do this. If you ask the right question (not too general but not too invasive), people love to share their advice and experiences. Social media algorithms recognize when people are more engaged and will then be significantly more likely to show them future posts from you on their feeds as well. Plus, a huge bonus to asking a question is that you can gain insight into what your potential customers are struggling with, helping you cater content that directly addresses their needs and keeps them coming back for more. Of course, clients love it when it seems that your content is personally catering to them.

Questions can be related to general health or more chiropractic specific depending on your goals. Examples might include the following:

    • What health goal have you been putting off that you’d like to accomplish this year?
    • What is your biggest struggle when it comes to feeling your best?
    • What do you feel is limiting you from reaching your true health potential?
    • What is your favorite outdoor activity?
    • Can you share some of your favorite family friendly recipes?

Pique Their Interest

Social media users love to be “wow-ed.” A great way to do this in the chiropractic niche is with a post that shares an interesting statistic or offers an answer to a question asking “did you know?” Once you’ve grabbed their attention, you can use the text to help them understand why this information is relevant to them. For example, if you dive into how much low back pain can cost long term or how it affects a person’s quality of life, a viewer who is also dealing with low back pain may feel more inclined to dig deeper and schedule an appointment with you to avoid some of these shocking statistics themselves.

The sky is the limit with this category. However, here are a few ideas to get you started:

    • Common health related issues caused by work or a sedentary lifestyle
    • Mental health statistics
    • Discussing how a particular pain or illness can affect their life
    • How lifestyle choices affect health
    • The cost of certain procedures that might be avoided with the right conservative treatment

Be Inspiring

Who doesn’t love a good inspirational quote? Posting favorite quotes or inspirational insights can be great for boosting your overall engagement. While it may not motivate a person to dig deeper into scheduling an appointment, if they feel inclined to like your post they will then be more likely to see your other posts in the future. Thus, you will have more eyeballs on posts that ask them to click a link, sign up for an email list, or any other sort of engagement you are hoping for down the road. It is best to keep these posts simple with a stunning catchy image and clear bold text.

Get Personal

Finally, with social media being so saturated, it’s important to bring some authenticity to your profile(s). Generic posts and empty promises just don’t cut it into today’s social media world. To catch your audience’s attention and hold it, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and personable. Here are some examples:

    • Share a patient’s recovery story (with their permission and without revealing personal information that violates HIPPA)
    • Talk about your own story of how you became a chiropractor
    • Show customers what your clinic is doing- from volunteering and events to office parties and what a day at the clinic looks like with your employees
    • Do a giveaway with live announcements

Why Does It Matter?

Ultimately, social media is a great tool for reaching potential customers if you use it correctly and target the right audience. With these tips, you can provide consistent value to your followers and help them stay engaged thanks to the personal touch you’ve provided. Focusing on being helpful and personable will get you the furthest in today’s social media landscape. Simply strive for being consistent with your posts and providing the highest quality content possible.

Need Help?

If you need help getting started, there are plenty of ways to do so. If you want to be completely hands off you can hire a social media manager to do all the heavy lifting. Just find someone that understands the nuances of chiropractic social media. If you just need a little guidance getting started, you might consider using social media templates designed specifically for chiropractors. Finally, to take your marketing game to the next level, see all that MyChiro Practice has to offer related to website design, marketing, and other products that can make finding your next client significantly easier.